Day 12: Honor Leads to Increase

12 Jan, 2021

The Daily Word: Tuesday, January 12th, 2021
Genesis 26:17-27:46
Matthew 9:1-17
Psalm 10:16-18
Proverbs 3:9-10
For full text click here.

Commentary from Pastor Michael White:
Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine. – Prov. 3:9-10

Order matters. Scripture tells us to honor the Lord with our possessions, and the firsfruits of all our increase. If we do that, God will fill our barns with plenty, and our vats will overflow with new wine. Back then, grain and wine referred directly to the level of prosperity a given household was experiencing. For us today, this verse might read, “So your bank accounts will be filled with plenty, and your fridge will have plenty of [organic] food.”

We often get it backwards. We ask God to send the increase first, and promise we will honor Him later. Lord, if you just bless me with a million dollars, I will give you ten percent! If you just give me the job of my dreams, I’ll finally start volunteering at church! But it doesn’t work like that. God designed it His way on purpose! If you don’t honor Him when you have a little, you won’t honor Him with a lot. And why would He trust you with plenty if He can’t trust you with what you already have?

Honor God with your possessions. Give Him your first and your best! And He will fill you up with so much more that you don’t even miss what you gave away.


Father, I am going to honor You first. I know that as I do, Your Scriptural promise – Your guarantee that is as good as gold! – is You are going to bless me with more, in Jesus’ name.

© Michael D. White, 2021. All rights reserved.