Day 96: Permanent Possession

6 Apr, 2017

The Daily Word: Thursday, April 6th, 2017
Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20
Luke 11:37-12:7
Psalm 78:1-31
Proverbs 12:19-20
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Commentary from Pastor Michael White:

Then the Lord your God will bring you to the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it. He will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers. – Deut 30:5

Possession is permanent. No matter how far God’s people strayed from Him, His promise was that He would always gather them back to Him. The land that belonged to their fathers was still theirs; it was a permanent possession!

Just because you messed up doesn’t mean your destiny is canceled. Your calling is not null and void because you made some mistakes!! Your past makes you uniquely qualified to preach the Gospel in a way – and to certain people – that no one else can.

Come back to God. His promises are still in effect; and He will welcome you home, into His kingdom, with open arms.


Father, thank You that possession is permanent! I know that You are faithful to forgive. I repent of all my sins, and I believe the blood of Jesus washes me clean!

See commentary from this day in 2014.
See commentary from this day in 2015.
See commentary from this day in 2016.

© Michael D. White, 2017. All rights reserved.