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IT Helpdesk Specialist
I grew up going to church, but five years ago I put my walk with the Lord on pause to find myself and rediscover my beliefs. I started to question my purpose here on earth and the meaning of life. However, when I was in a horrific car accident two years ago, my whole perspective changed. The experience forced me to realize the Lord has a purpose for me, and there is a reason I am still alive.
Thankfully, a former employer introduced me to a member at CityLight. I gave my life back to Jesus, and got to meet the amazing people at CityLight. I started coming to CityLight last February, and I was baptized in April; and ever since, I have experienced an incredible feeling of acceptance and unity. I feel at home when I walk through the doors of CityLight Church. I am always greeted by smiling faces, and I love hearing the moving testimonies from the pastors as they preach the word. The Lord has given me my purpose back during my time at CityLight Church. Thank you for everything!

Chad Marra
Advertising and Marketing Specialist
I grew up down South in a Christian family that went to church pretty much every week as long as we weren’t on vacation or ill. Over the years though, I went through a lot of hardships, and as I got more independent, I started to do my own thing.
Through all of this I was battling with my Faith and “searching in the dark” for answers. After college I moved to Astoria, started working in advertising, and generally began my “adult life”. NYC’s costliness and my career were all-consuming and hard for awhile, but eventually life started to settle, and with that, my desire (and persuasion from my parents) to find a local church. For years, I would pop in to this one church very rarely, get a “vibe” or not feel anything, and retreat home to return to sleeping in Sundays. Needless to say, I was pretty stubborn, felt guilty for “running away” for so long, and thought I needed to find a church like what I had down South. This attitude continued on, and eventually I started to get restless and lonely with everything in my life. Finally in August 2014, a Google search for a local/contemporary church brought me to CityLight Astoria. Feeling anxious and with a heavy heart, I committed to going one Sunday morning and was forever changed. I remember Pastor Bojan was preaching on Grace and how we need to not dwell on the past but draw closer to Him. It was probably the best sermon I had ever heard, or God put me there to hear that message, or both, but it was a life changing day for me.
Looking back one year ago as I write this right now, I’ve come a long way with my Faith, and I am humbled to know there is a lot further to go. In a year’s time, I’ve became a member making CityLight my home church, and you can occasionally find me jamming in the worship team, or serving as an usher. I’ve also gained a sense of joy and peace that I’ve never had before. God is doing great things at CityLight, and I encourage you to come meet the most tight-knit, yet diverse family in NYC. Please make sure you say “hi” if you see me!”

I’ve been a part of the CityLight community since 2013. I’m on the ushering team, and I absolutely love it. Outside of church, I travel lots for work; but no matter where I travel, I’m always excited to come home and spend time with my CityLight family. I have fun, I laugh, I smile, I cry, I share, I connect, I grow, and I belong.

Finance Student
New York can be a tough place to live; but it gets even tougher when all your friends and relatives are on the other side of the world. I came to CityLight because I wanted to feel like I was part of a community. I wanted a church that would feel like a family, where people genuinely care for, support, and sharpen each other. CityLight is an amazing church. The pastors, staff and even members are willing to pray for you and with you, making sure you’re growing into the person God designed you to be. The wisdom and the attentiveness to the Holy Spirit that our leaders carry make CityLight a place where the presence of God is tangible.

Clinical Social Worker
I arrived at CityLight during a season of transition in my life. I was greeted not only by the love of those serving at Citylight, but by the tangible, strong, yet sweet presence of the Lord abiding there. There was such an anointing in that place, and I was overcome with such great love and peace. Pastor Mike preached that day about accepting your brokenness, and how your past makes you uniquely qualified to serve God in a way no one else can. Instantly, I knew I was being taught foundational, biblical truth: a pure and transparent expression of the Word of God.
After service, I was met by more smiling faces, and felt so much love from both the leaders and staff. I was overwhelmed with great peace and joy to know how humble the leaders of this church truly are. One of the pastors hugged me and said, “So nice to have you here with us!” At that moment, with tears in my eyes and gratitude to the Lord in my heart, I knew I was home.

ENT Surgeon
Citylight is a truly amazing body of believers who I am proud to call family. There is a collective passion for the Lord’s presence that permeates worship services and invites all those in attendance to experience the goodness of God. The sheer diversity of the church, with people from all walks of life and backgrounds, testifies to the presence of the Spirit who brings unity. The leadership is superb, providing sound, Biblical teaching while maintaining an awareness and yieldedness to the Spirit. I am thankful to be blessed with such an amazing church home in NYC!

Police Officer
CityLight Church has truly been a second family to me since the Lord brought me here in 2013. My faith, my walk with Jesus, and my life, have all dramatically changed for the better. God’s work here in this church, and what He is doing in my life, is really amazing. I had never before been taught so much about grace, forgiveness, and hope. I never knew how much God loves me (and likes me)! The teaching at CityLight has completely changed my outlook on life, and enabled me to understand that I am valued, accepted, and loved by an awesome Father.
I call CityLight Church home because of the relationships. The genuine friendships I have made here have shown me what a community built on Jesus can really look like. Through the small Life Groups that get us talking and teaching together in our homes, to the social events that bring us together and help us get to know one another and build real relationships, I have grown tremendously. Every opportunity we get together as a church community is filled with laughter, friendship, and growth. I am so thankful for this church!

Nursing Student
I am a student in nursing school, and I work in a cardiologist office as a medical assistant. In the past, I struggled with trusting people. I would close myself off because of fear. Since I started coming to CityLight, my heart has been transformed due to the encouragement and love that fill this church. I finally understand how much God loves me. It is the people at CityLight, whom I now call family, who have made all the difference in my life.

Flight Attendant

Commercial Lease Administrator
My very first visit to CityLight was truly life-changing. It was a rainy Friday night in 2011, and I was in serious need of healing for hurt that was entrenched in my life. I can vividly remember walking into a space that was filled with people passionately worshiping God. I could feel the tangible presence of the Lord in the room. It brought me to tears, and instantly I felt healing and freedom from the chains of hurt and anger. That very night, I knew CityLight was where God wanted me to be. It’s been 5 years since that Friday, and my life has continued to change in the best possible ways. The presence of God is tangible in this church: whether during all-out worship, or through powerful teachings on the Lord’s empowering grace and God’s unconditional, unmerited love. God’s love is put on display through the love and support of this caring church family. CityLight is a church that stands on the never-ending faithfulness of God.

Nova West
Health Program Manager
Hi I am Nova West, I am part of the ministry team at CityLight. I enjoy ministering the love of God to people. So many times the hurts we go through in life can feel more real than God. I endeavor to believe when I minister to people they will encounter a very real God who heals hearts from hurts, rejection, brings peace and relief from burdens and condemnation and brings unspeakable joy!
I discovered CityLight as an undergraduate in college, back then the church had no name but it was a burning vision in the heart of a friend of mine, who knew that his calling was to one day pastor a church in New York City. Little did I know, years later I would not only see that vision come to fruition but be a part of it. I have been fortunate to know Pastor Bojan for a long time and have been part of the church since it started. I saw the church grow with many lives radically transformed by God’s power.
Having experienced a lot of churches, I find CityLight to be a unique church. It is full of joy and has radical believers. We have shared experiences such as discussion groups, picnics and even jumping out of a plane.

Recruiter, Brunswick Group
I came to CityLight church almost two years ago. My experience here has changed the way I live my life. The pastors at CityLight provide biblical teaching that is practical and easy to understand. I always leave service feeling refreshed, encouraged, and challenged to more deeply pursue my relationship with God. The congregation is friendly, diverse, and full of people from all walks of life. CityLight has become my home away from home, and my faith continues to grow tremendously, as does the faith of the community of people who I consider family.

Keala & Nicole
Fabric Logistics

Jon & Linh
IT Service Desk Administrator & Executive Assistant
Jon was a born and raised New Yorker from Astoria, Queens. Linh, originally from Rochester, NY, became a City girl in August 2008. We met in 2010 and got married in 2012. Fun fact: we met online.
It is the people of CityLight that makes our church “home”. We found more than friends, we found family. Today you may find us serving in a variety of ministries. Linh heads up the prep team in Astoria, and can often be found playing with all the CityLight babies after services. Jon currently serves on the worship team playing electric guitar, and can be seen taking photos and videos of services for the social media feeds at CityLight. We are foodies, who love traveling, live music, and partake of the 3F’s… Food, Fellowship & Fun.”