Healing Rooms
The mission of CityLight Healing Rooms is to provide free and confidential prayer to those suffering from physical ailments. We believe the Lord is willing to heal ALL His children ALL the time, and we will stand on His Word for your condition in the Name of Jesus.

scheduling your visit
Let Us Know You’re Coming…
While appointments are not required, they are preferred. You can e-mail us at healing@citylightnyc.com to schedule an appointment. We will minister to walk-in clients on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you will be joining us without an appointment, we ask that you arrive no later than 2pm to allow adequate time for prayer.
46-09 31st Ave. Astoria, NY
The Second Saturday Of Every Month
From 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Please see our Plan A Visit Page if you need help finding us.
CityLight Healing Rooms are not equipped to minister to those seeking emotional healing, deliverance or prophetic ministry.
All visits are strictly confidential. All prayer is provided free of charge.
CityLight Healing Rooms is a member of the International Association of Healing Rooms. The International Association of Healing Rooms has its headquarters in Spokane, Washington, a town which has a rich Healing history and played host to healing evangelist John G. Lake. The Spokane Healing Rooms, and later the International Association of Healing Rooms, were established in their current form in 1999 by Cal Pierce (in the same location as John G. Lake’s original healing rooms). The ministry has been growing ever since, and there are currently 1,871 healing rooms in 56 countries all over the world.
You can view the IAHR website here.
Contact Us: healing@citylightnyc.com
I Have Literally Hit The Ground Running...
I have literally hit the ground running. I can’t shut up telling everyone about my miracle. I can’t get out of bed fast enough saying, ‘Who can I tell today, who can I show today’?!!!!
I was born at 26 weeks, or three months early. I had a severe head bleed that affected the whole left side of my body, my left lung had collapsed, and my left arm is what I call my “chicken wing” – it does not straighten and I can’t move my left hand well. My left leg was shorter than my right because the femur grew incorrectly, and I have no control of my left foot.
When I came to the Healing Rooms, the team prayed for my left leg to grow, and for full restoration for the entire left side of my body. I tested the results last Monday morning. I went to my doctor and asked him to measure my length of my leg. My legs are EVEN – HE even aligned my hips to make sure because my left hip has always been higher than my right. When I showed his wife, I didn’t even tell her anything but somehow she knew what had happened – I didn’t even take two steps out of the exam room before she burst out crying and yelling ‘you’re HEALED, you’re HEALED,’ so we cried and worshipped God for a while. I am excited to see the day when I realize my “chicken wing” is straight and my hand and foot work!!!
I bought new shoes today that don’t have an extra lift in them…right now it feels awkward like I don’t have my “land legs” yet, but I realize I’ve been like that for 28 years and it will take some time.
THANK YOU HEALING ROOMS TEAM for everything that you did!!! I can’t THANK you enough for being sensitive to the Spirit!
My Experience Was Great...
They Strengthened My Faith...
Just To Recap The Awesomeness
My mother is now COMPLETELY off a medication she had been on for 23 YEARS, and she is also COMPLETELY off of cholesterol medication. She had not been able to get those numbers down in three years, and they dropped 45 points in two months; My mom’s blood pressure medication has been lowered to the minimum dosage and she may be able to go off of it COMPLETELY;
They’ve each lost 25 pounds; and they look and FEEL great! They are co-laboring with the Lord by making dietary changes that contributed to the above healing. they say that after the Healing Rooms appointment, they made these changes with total ease! PRAISE GOD! THANK YOU!
I Woke Up Wednesday With A Swollen, Hot Knee...
I came to the Healing Rooms for prayer. I didn’t want to go through this forever. I wanted complete healing. So the team prayed for me, and I could bend my knee without struggle or pain! God spoke to the prayer team individually and they shared with me. And they were on the money! Everything they said I know was from God.
I’m going home without using a cane! Praise God!
I Came In Today Suffering From Bone Spurs...
The Lord Refreshed My Spirit In A Remarkable Way...
When I Came Into The Healing Rooms I Felt Discouraged...
I Came In With A Load Of Questions...
I’ve Suffered From Severe Insomnia For 6 Years...
I’ve suffered from severe insomnia for 6 years. I once had an emotional breakdown after 5 days of no sleep which resulted in a series of 57 medical tests. I was put on prescription sleep aids for the greater part of the past 5 years: twice the recommended dose. After coming to the CityLight Healing Rooms in September for insomnia and meditating on the Scriptures spoken over me, I have been sleeping easily, restfully and peacefully for a month! Hallelujah!