Day 189: Tell the World

8 Jul, 2021

The Daily Word: Thursday, July 8th, 2021
1 Chronicles 5:18-6:81
Acts 26:1-32
Psalm 6:1-10
Proverbs 18:20-21
For full text click here.

Commentary from Pastor Michael White:
But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. – Acts 26:16

Jesus appears with purpose. He made Himself real to Paul on the road to Damascus! But His visit was not just for fun. He appeared to make Paul “a minister and a witness.” Paul would travel the world and tell everyone that He had encountered Jesus! And Jesus’ promise to Paul was that, as he traveled, he would constantly receive new revelation to share with the world.

I pray that you have an encounter with God! More importantly, I pray you would do something with it. God wants you to enjoy His presence! But He also asks that you invite other people in. Jesus appears to you on purpose: so that you would take what you have seen and tell the world.


Jesus, thank You for appearing to me! I will go out and tell the world everything You have said and done. You are faithful! And I am grateful, in Jesus’ name.

© Michael D. White, 2021. All rights reserved.