Day 249: Keeping Your Own Vineyard

6 Sep, 2020

The Daily Word: Sunday, September 6th, 2020
Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16
2 Corinthians 8:16-24
Psalm 50:1-23
Proverbs 22:22-23
For full text click here.

Commentary from Pastor Michael White:
Do not look upon me, because I am dark, because the sun has tanned me. My mother’s sons were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept. – Song of Solomon 1:6

The “vineyard” represents your private place of prayer with God. The Shulamite woman faced a tension we all face. She wanted to be with her lover! But people close to her – in this case family members – heaped so much responsibility on her that she had no more time for Jesus.

Jesus is waiting for you in the vineyard. He wants to spend time with you even more than you want to spend time with Him! But you have to make a determination to keep your own vineyard. You have a to put a priority on time in prayer with Him! Nobody is going to keep your vineyard for you. But if you will make a decision to insist on spending time with Jesus no matter the cost, your life will change in ways you could have never imagined.


Father, help me to make time for intimacy with Jesus! I want to keep my own vineyard. I’m met with constant distractions in my life, from people all around me! But I know I need to come back to You, in Jesus’ name.

See commentary from this day in 2014.
See commentary from this day in 2015.
See commentary from this day in 2016.
See commentary from this day in 2017.
See commentary from this day in 2018.
See commentary from this day in 2019.

© Michael D. White, 2020. All rights reserved.