Day 98: You Are His Strength

8 Apr, 2016

CityLight Church’s One Year Bible Reading Plan
Friday, April 8th, 2016
Deuteronomy 32:28-52
Luke 12:35-59
Psalm 78:56-64
Proverbs 12:24
For full text click here:

Commentary from Pastor Michael White:

And delivered His strength into captivity, and His glory into the enemy’s hand. He also gave His people over to the sword, and was furious with His inheritance. – Ps 78:61-62

God’s strength is His people. We are the vehicles He uses to reveal truth to the people around us! So if you’re ever wondering, “Where is God in all this?”, perhaps you should reframe the question to, “Where does God want me to be in all of this?”

We are Jesus’ hands and feet. Jesus ascended into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He poured out His Holy Spirit on us at the Day of Pentecost and gave us His authority and miracle-working power (Matt 28, Lk 10:19, Rom 8:11). We now have the privilege of going out and praying for His will in His name!

You are God’s secret weapon. You are His strength and His glory. He is proud of you, and He trusts you to act on His behalf. Jesus has already done everything He promised. God will do everything He promised through you, and all you have to do is make the decision to partner with Him and step out in faith!


Father, I want to co-labor with You. Show me what You want me to do, and I will go out and do it. Move me to Spirit-filled obedience in Jesus’ name!


See commentary from this day in 2014:

See commentary from this day in 2015:

© Michael D. White, 2016. All rights reserved.