Faith, Freedom, and Action: A Conversation with Eric Metaxas

4 Oct, 2024

Faith, Freedom, and Action_A Conversation with Eric Metaxas

This week’s blog is inspired by a conversation between Pastor Bo and Eric Metaxas. Scroll to the bottom of the blog post to watch or listen to the complete interview. To learn more about Eric, visit his website

The Church’s Call to Action: Awakening to Our Role in Society

In today’s world, it’s easy for Christians to feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face. But what if God is calling us to do more than just attend church services? What if He’s asking us to actively engage with the world around us, even when it feels uncomfortable or risky?

As followers of Christ, we’re called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16). This means we are responsible for influencing our society for good, preserving what is right, and shining God’s truth into dark places. It’s not always easy, and it might push us out of our comfort zones, but that’s often where God does His most powerful work through us. Are we ready to step up and be the church that doesn’t just talk about faith, but lives it out boldly in every area of life?

The Danger of a Sleeping Church

Many churches today have fallen into a dangerous trap. They believe that staying out of “politics” or controversial issues makes them more spiritual. But is this really what God wants?

Think about it: if Christians in the 1850s had refused to speak out against slavery because it was too “political,” where would we be today? The truth is when evil rises, God calls His people to stand against it.

Learning from History

The story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor during the rise of Nazi Germany, teaches us an important lesson. Bonhoeffer saw evil growing in his country and tried to wake up the church. He knew they had a short window of time to act before it was too late.

Sadly, many churches in Germany chose to remain silent. They used religious excuses to avoid doing what God called them to do. We must learn from their mistakes.

Bonhoeffer’s courage challenges us today. He didn’t just preach from the safety of his pulpit; he actively resisted evil, even when it cost him his life. His famous quote, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil,” reminds us that doing nothing is not a neutral choice. God calls us to speak up and act when we see injustice or oppression. The question is: will we have the courage to do so, or will we repeat past mistakes?

The Battle We’re Called To

God doesn’t call us to a comfortable life. He calls us to join Him in the battle against evil and injustice. As the song says, “God is in the battle.”

The Bible tells us in James 2:26, “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” This means that true faith always leads to action.

Bringing Kingdom Values to Earth

Some Christians think they have to choose between caring about “heavenly things” and caring about what happens in the world. But that’s a false choice. God wants us to bring His kingdom values into every area of life, including how we engage with society and politics.

Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” This shows that God cares about what happens here on earth, and He wants to use us to make a difference.

The Power of an Awakened Church

When the church wakes up and gets involved, amazing things can happen. Throughout history, Christians who spoke up and took action have led to the end of slavery, advancements in civil rights, and protection for the unborn.

We serve a God of miracles. Even when things look hopeless, God can turn the situation around. But He often chooses to work through His people.

Your Call to Action

So, what does this mean for you? It means God is calling you to be awake and engaged. Here are some practical steps you can take:

1. Pray for wisdom and discernment.

2. Stay informed about what’s happening in your community and the world.

3. Look for ways to speak up for truth and justice, even when uncomfortable.

4. Get involved in your local community and government.

5. Support Christian leaders and organizations that are making a difference.

Remember, God has placed you where you are for a reason. He wants to use you to bring His light into dark places. Don’t be afraid to step out in faith. As 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

The world needs an awakened church now more than ever. Will you answer the call?

Watch the entire message here.

Listen to the message on our podcast. Click HERE.