Sowing Seeds of Hope

As we move toward wrapping up 2023, I’m reminded of how far the Lord has brought us as a church, how He has multiplied us, and how He has protected us during turbulent storms. I’m also reminded that He has used you as a conduit to accomplish many of these things. Some people are content to just go to church, but unwavering Christians like you will settle for nothing less than BEING THE CHURCH.

Thank you for your generous giving and for partnering with the vision of CityLight to stand as a bastion of uncompromised Christianity in NYC!

The Gospel is the power of God and Jesus is the Hope of this world. Our sights are set on seeing more New Yorkers hear and respond to this great Gospel as well as continuing with our compassion initiatives around the world, supporting pastors and missionaries in their evangelistic efforts in Montenegro, Guatemala, Serbia, and Ethiopia. Our end of the year giving campaign, NYC and Beyond: Sowing Seeds of Hope is officially underway and is an opportunity for you to be a part of us continuing to advance God’s Kingdom in NYC and around the world. Please pray and ask God what He would have you sow as we trust Him to meet our $100,000 goal so that we can begin 2024 well equipped to accomplish our mandate!

The future is bright and we have never been stronger or positioned better to make a lasting mark on this city. I am beyond grateful for each member of our church family because we wouldn’t be here without you. Your prayers and support are invaluable for everything God has called us to do. We look forward to a strong finish to 2023, and a blessed start to 2024!

Yours for revival in NYC,
Pastor Bo Jancic

Please select ‘NYC and Beyond’ from the Fund drop-down menu when Sowing Seeds of Hope.