The Lord Will See You Through It

25 Mar, 2024

The Lord Will See You Through It

The Dynamic Ministry of Jesus

Have you ever noticed how Jesus’ ministry was anything but quiet? He was always on the move, healing the sick, teaching in parables, and stirring up cities with His powerful messages. 

This wasn’t a ministry of sitting back; it was active and engaging. This approach didn’t end with Jesus. When the Holy Spirit arrived on the Day of Pentecost, it was with a bang, not a whisper. 

Imagine the scene: 120 followers burst out of an upper room, filled with a new power, speaking in languages they had never learned. Jerusalem was turned upside down that day, and many thought these followers were just drunk because of their boldness and joy.

The Birth of the Church

For those new to Christianity, this event marked the church’s spectacular start. On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit didn’t just make a subtle entrance; He came as a mighty rushing wind, and tongues of fire appeared. It was a public display that couldn’t be ignored. 

This outpouring caused a group of ordinary people to do extraordinary things, and suddenly, the streets of Jerusalem were buzzing with news of what had happened. This wasn’t a case of public intoxication but a divine encounter that would change the world forever.

A Call for Authentic Experiences

In today’s world, filled with challenges and distractions, it’s easy to feel disconnected. But the essence of our faith is not found in mere intellectual agreement with doctrines. Like Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians, my desire is for us to truly experience God’s love, which goes beyond our understanding. 

It’s about letting go of our defenses and allowing the Holy Spirit to soften our hearts. Just as old wineskins need to be made pliable again to hold new wine, our hearts need to be tender to receive what God is pouring out today.

Experiencing God in Our Lives

God encounters are not just for the pages of the Bible; they are for us here and now. You don’t have to mimic someone else’s spiritual journey. Your relationship with God is unique. It’s okay to seek Him in the quiet of your home or in the midst of a church service. What matters is opening up to Him and saying, “Lord, I won’t let go until you bless me. I want to truly know you.” This hunger for a genuine experience with God transforms an ordinary faith into an extraordinary adventure with Him.

The Reality of God’s Presence

We carry within us the hope and glory of Jesus. This isn’t just a comforting thought; it’s a reality that can change how we live each day. It’s about knowing, deep in your spirit, that you are saved, loved, and called for a purpose. 

Even my children, at their young ages, understand this. They know they are saved because of what Jesus did on the cross and because they sense His presence with them. This assurance is something we can all have.

Taking the Gospel Beyond

Our faith compels us to take Jesus’ message to the ends of the earth. That’s why mission trips are so important, like our upcoming journey to Guatemala. They’re an opportunity to see firsthand the impact of sharing God’s love and witness the transformation it brings. 

Over the years, we’ve seen villages changed, churches built, and lives turned around because of the Gospel. It’s a vivid reminder that God works in powerful ways when we step out in faith.

God Will See Us Through

No matter our challenges, we can be confident that God is with us. He has proven time and again that He is faithful. Whether providing a ram in the thicket for Abraham or opening the right doors for our church to continue its mission, God comes through at the right time. 

His timing may not always align with ours, but His provision is perfect. This truth should embolden us to live fearlessly, knowing that we are held securely in the palm of His hand.

The Assurance of God’s Love

Finally, it’s essential to remember that you are never too far gone for God’s love. The very essence of the Gospel is that God reaches out to us with open arms, ready to bring us home. 

No matter how isolated or forsaken you might feel, God promises He will never cast you out. This is the bedrock of our faith, the assurance that we are loved and that God Himself will see us through every season of life.


Father, You are the God of power and might. Today I surrender and ask You to fill me fully with Your Spirit. Fill me with faith and boldness to obey your voice and perform the same works Jesus performed. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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