Day 45: Do Not Be Afraid!

14 Feb, 2017

The Daily Word: Tuesday, February 14th, 2017
Exodus 37:1-38:31
Matthew 28:1-20
Psalm 34:11-22
Proverbs 9:9-10
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Commentary from Pastor Michael White:

But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.” – Matt 28:5-6

When an angel of the Lord descended from heaven to roll back the stone from Jesus’ tomb, his first message to the witnesses was: Do not be afraid! Later on, Jesus appeared to the witnesses Himself to deliver the same message:

“Do not be afraid. Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.” – Matt 28:10

The Resurrection means we don’t have to fear. Jesus is who He says He is. He did what He said He will do!  God is faithful, and there is no need to fear. He will perform what He has promised.


Father, remove all fear from my life, in Jesus’ name! I want to follow You with complete faith in my heart, free of all fear: from this day forward.

See commentary from this day in 2014.
See commentary from this day in 2015.
See commentary from this day in 2016.

© Michael D. White, 2017. All rights reserved.