Is Growth Truly God’s Way for Us?

23 Sep, 2023

Blog-Is Growth Truly God's Way For Us

In our pursuit of following Jesus, we can often ponder about God’s intent and design for our lives. Is it one of stagnancy or one of constant evolution? Diving into the scriptures and teachings of Jesus provides insights into the essence of God’s dynamic nature and His plans for us. 

Understanding God’s Dynamic Nature

God’s heart is expansion, growth, and dynamic change. When we consider His word, it becomes clear that He intends to guide us from one level of glory to the next, reinforcing the idea of an ever-evolving kingdom. 

Just look at Acts Chapter 1, where He outlines the trajectory of the gospel, starting from Jerusalem, reaching out to Judea, Samaria, and eventually to the furthest corners of the earth, including here in the Americas. Jesus emphasized this concept further with the analogy of the mustard seed.

Contrary to the common misinterpretation, He wasn’t praising small faith but rather the potential for immense growth that it signifies. 

Just like a mustard seed, starting as minuscule can grow into one of the grandest trees, our faith is designed for continuous growth and expansion.

Evaluating Our Personal Growth

Yet, if we find ourselves in a place where we aren’t experiencing this promised growth and abundance, it’s essential to look at our lives.

We must recognize that the hindrance isn’t from God’s end but ours. 

While there are divinely ordained seasons of waiting in our journey with the Lord, we must be careful not to accept passivity for divine patience. If we’re not advancing in our spiritual walk, the fault is often our inaction or complacency rather than God’s delay. Shaking off the complacency and realigning with God’s ways becomes crucial.

Staying Aligned with God’s Dynamic Path

We must remain vigilant about our spiritual growth. Remember that He is still at work even when it feels like God has us in a waiting season. These seasons have an internal purpose: refining and preparing us for the next chapter. If we ever feel stagnant, we must examine our hearts, seek the Lord’s guidance, and adjust our paths to match God’s ever-increasing ways. 

The Essence of Generosity and Worship

Have you ever felt blocked or stagnant in your faith? Sometimes, obstructions occur in our spiritual “plumbing,” preventing us from fully embracing God’s blessings. To live according to His divine plan, we must align our hearts with the principles of His kingdom. If we don’t, frustration settles in. Just as I’m responsible for guiding you, we all must recognize the pivotal role of giving. Giving isn’t just a transaction; it’s a spiritual discipline. 

The Bible illustrates this concept as sowing and reaping: plant one apple seed, which can yield thousands of apples in time. But the most profound understanding of giving is that it’s a form of worship, a heartfelt offering to God.

Understanding Giving as Worship

When we talk about giving, it’s more than just a financial act; it’s an expression of worship. This connection can be seen in the scripture of Matthew 2:11, where the wise men presented gifts to baby Jesus. They didn’t just worship and then separately offer treasures; these actions were intertwined. They recognized Jesus as a king, a deity, and a savior, offering gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Such acts underscore that giving, in its purest form, recognizes God’s majesty. Whether it’s tithing, offering, or even sharing a meal, when done with genuine love and faith, these acts are received by the Lord as pure worship.

Shifting Our Perspective on Giving

It’s vital to shake off misconceptions about giving. Sadly, the enemy tries to twist this sacred act, sometimes using deceitful individuals to tarnish its essence. But we must remember that giving isn’t about the church’s financial status or ulterior motives. It’s about our connection to God. God doesn’t need our gifts, but He wants us to experience the joy and growth that come from giving. 

It’s not about Him taking from us, but rather Him wanting to pour more blessings upon us. When we understand this, we shift from giving out of obligation to giving out of genuine love and gratitude.

The Spiritual Significance of Giving  

Giving is not just donating money or possessions. The Bible portrays giving as a “sweet-smelling sacrifice,” emphasizing its divine nature. It’s a gesture that goes beyond financial contributions to religious institutions. When done with genuine intent and faith, simple acts like treating friends to a meal or gifting someone become acts of worship in God’s eyes.

Paul’s Take on Generosity  

The Apostle Paul beautifully captures the essence of giving in his letter to the Philippians. In chapter 4, verse 18, he describes offerings as “a fragrant aroma of an offering, an acceptable sacrifice which God welcomes and in which he delights.” This elevates giving from a mere transaction to a divine interaction. How we handle our finances reflects our spiritual and moral character. We aim to exude a “fragrance” that resonates with God’s delight by aligning our approach to money with divine principles.

Giving as Worship  

The book of Proverbs emphasizes the spiritual significance of giving. Instead of focusing on materialistic practices such as giving to a church or charity, the Bible urges individuals to “Honor the Lord with your possessions.” This perspective elevates the act of giving, making it a direct form of worship.

Stewardship and Trustworthiness 

The Bible also underscores the principle of stewardship concerning possessions. This is not just about donating; it’s about establishing a giving relationship with the Lord and showcasing trustworthiness. Those who adopt this principle believe that God tests their trustworthiness through seasons of challenges, ensuring they can handle blessings responsibly. 

Contrary to a ‘get-rich-quick’ mindset, being a good steward requires gradual and consistent dedication to managing finances wisely and following God’s guidance.

Addressing the Fear of Giving

In Luke 12:31, Jesus advises to “seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.” At the heart of hesitation in giving lies the fear of scarcity. This fear obscures our understanding of God’s nature as a multiplier, as showcased in the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Jesus’s words serve as a reminder to break free from a mentality of poverty and lack.

He emphasizes that it pleases the Divine to provide for us spiritually and in every aspect of our lives on this physical earth. 

Misinterpretation of Scripture and its Impact on Prosperity  

Many misunderstand Jesus’s teachings on generosity, mistakenly believing He suggests selling all possessions. However, the true message emphasizes the spirit of generosity and the occasional need to let go of material things to embody that spirit. 

Similarly, there’s a misreading of Peter and John’s statement, “Silver and gold, we have none.” Their point wasn’t about being penniless but rather that they didn’t have money on them at that particular moment. Yet, many have built an entire worldview around such misinterpretations, overlooking that spreading good, alleviating suffering, and driving change in the world often require financial resources.

The Connection Between Heart and Treasure 

Jesus emphasized the profound connection between one’s treasure and heart. He declared that our “treasure traffic” direction reveals our core priorities and affections. If the majority of one’s treasure benefits only the individual, it’s a reflection that the person’s heart is centered on self. 

On the other hand, directing a portion of that treasure towards the service of the Lord symbolizes a heart that is genuinely devoted to God. Jesus reiterated the importance of understanding where one’s treasure lies, as it offers a clear insight into one’s true affections.

Financial Responsibility and Spiritual Growth

Financial responsibility isn’t just about worldly management; it also has spiritual implications. 

A decision to give, especially to tithe, demands one to be more accountable for their finances. However, many avoid this responsibility, hoping for a miraculous windfall. 

This mindset, especially prevalent in societies inundated with stories of sudden wealth, can lead to financial recklessness. 

The Significance of Generosity and Faith

Acts 10 shares the story of Cornelius, a devout man from Caesarea who belonged to the Italian regiment. He was a true believer who feared God and exhibited incredible generosity by giving alms to people. His unwavering faith and generosity made him unique, earning him an angelic visitation. The angel’s message was clear: Cornelius’s prayers and his acts of giving were recognized by God. This narrative serves as a testament to the deep connection between one’s faith, acts of generosity, and receiving blessings and divine interventions.

Generosity and faith often walk hand in hand, acting as pillars that uphold one’s spiritual journey. Cornelius’s story and personal testimonies demonstrate that one’s financial choices and acts of giving can serve as a bridge to divine blessings, revelations, and increased spiritual anointing. It is a call for introspection, assessing where our ‘treasure’ lies, and recognizing that true prosperity is not just material but deeply spiritual. 

As one gives, it is not just a financial act but a testament of faith, hope, and a deep-seated belief in divine providence.


Lord, you desire I prosper; help me believe that. Let my heart be filled with generosity. I choose to worship you with every part of my life, including my finances. You are the God of more than enough, so I choose faith instead of fear. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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