Receiving God As Father

18 Jul, 2023

CityLight NYC Receiving God As Father

Have you ever contemplated how profoundly a father’s love can impact your life? It’s easy to overlook such influential forces in our fast-paced world, especially when they’re not always in the limelight. This blog post explores the transformative power of a father’s love and how it could be the key to overcoming barriers you may not even realize exist.

We are all on a spiritual journey, seeking to grasp the true essence of grace. It is a concept embedded in the New Covenant, and as followers of Christ, we must comprehend its profound meaning. It is crucial to consider the Apostle Paul’s words in Galatians chapter 4, verses 1 through 5, where he outlines the contrast between the law and grace.

Galatians 4:1-5 says, “Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ from a slave, though he is master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father. Even so, we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.”

The law, he explains, is a system that strives for God’s approval through our effort and works – a venture destined to fail. Grace, however, assures us that we are already accepted, not through our deeds, but through the finished work of Jesus’ cross. This encapsulates the essence of our journey from being “slaves” under the law to enjoying freedom under the New Covenant.

In his letters to the Galatians, Paul makes the powerful analogy of our spiritual growth, moving from being children under the law to mature sons and daughters in Christ. He argues that under the law, we are akin to children with little autonomy, like slaves.

However, under the grace provided by the New Covenant, we are free and adopted into God’s family. This idea of adoption, Paul notes, was mind-blowing to Roman society because adoption conferred the same rights and status as a natural-born son. He underscores the radical idea that we share the same level of sonship with Jesus, and God loves, accepts, and receives us just as he does Jesus.

It is crucial to embrace this truth, difficult as it might be, because it is the foundation of our identity in Christ.

To fully understand grace and our adoption into God’s family, we must confront our greatest hindrance – the orphan spirit. It starkly contrasts the heart of a son or daughter of God. While the orphan spirit is constantly wounded and insecure, the heart of a child of God is secure, trusting, forgiving, and grateful. By virtue of our human condition, all of us have elements of the orphan heart.

I pray that we receive the love of the Father and heal from any remnants of orphanhood. To do this, we must also grasp God the Father’s nature, which many find more challenging to understand than Jesus. If you seek to understand the Father, look no further than Jesus, who is the express image of the invisible God. The loving, compassionate nature of Jesus mirrors the Father, and by accepting this truth, we can confidently rest in our sonship and the profound grace of the New Covenant.

What Is The Father Like?

To truly understand the character and nature of God the Father, one must observe Jesus. It’s critical to recognize that we may have different emotional responses to the Father and the Son, sometimes due to our life experiences or personal struggles.

However, remember that Jesus and the Father are one; Jesus is the express image of God, as demonstrated in John 12:49. As I journeyed to understand the Father’s love, I experienced a moment of revelation during inner healing. Initially, I could vividly perceive Jesus’ face filled with love, approval, and acceptance. Yet, when asked to imagine the Father, I saw only a grey silhouette, a less approving figure. This was a testament to the barriers in my heart and a call to seek healing and a deeper understanding of God the Father.

I learned from this journey the importance of understanding the Father through Jesus. Jesus says, “I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me gave me a command, what I should say and what I should speak” (John 12:49).

In essence, Jesus’ words directly reflect the Father’s will. If you want to know what the Father would say, look at the words of Jesus. If you want to understand His actions, observe Jesus. Jesus is the express image of the invisible God, encapsulating the essence of Jehovah, God of the Old Testament. Recognize the unity of Jesus and the Father, embrace their love, and find solace in their divine acceptance.

Understanding and Combating an Orphan Spirit

Real success, defined as peace, joy, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment, is directly related to your understanding of God’s fatherly love. However, Satan targets this revelation, knowing its importance to your life. The devil fosters an “orphan spirit” within us, a spirit characterized by trauma, wounds, and insecurities, often borne out of life’s adversities, religious misconceptions, or parenting inadequacies.

This orphan spirit prevents you from embracing the spirit of sonship, the true path to joy, and a sense of belonging. Be aware that this is a journey to self-realization and spiritual liberation. Resist the temptation to attribute this message to others in your life; instead, be open to examining your own heart, your own biases, and areas for growth. If you dismiss this message as irrelevant to you, it is likely the lesson you need to learn.

The difference between an orphan heart and a son’s heart is stark. Where an orphan sees God as a harsh, unyielding master, a son sees God as a loving, intimate Father. Jesus paid a high price for us to transition from the orphan’s state of misery to the joy, peace, and righteousness experienced by the children of God. Often, the orphan spirit stems from feelings of rejection. Jesus’s teachings, however, are filled with messages of acceptance. He encourages us to come to Him, promising acceptance and inclusion.

By understanding and accepting God’s love, you can shed the orphan spirit, embrace the spirit of sonship, and experience the full privileges of being God’s child.

Do You Feel Like a Square Peg in a Round Hole?

Many individuals harbor feelings of being outsiders, believing they are the odd ones out, akin to orphans peering into a warm, festive house from a cold, windy street on Christmas Eve. Our minds often amplify this sense of isolation and rejection, and it is a tool Satan uses to keep us from experiencing God’s love and acceptance.

The message of Jesus is not just one of acceptance but also approval. Through faith, you can be cleansed, accepted, and justified – declared not guilty – demonstrating the Father’s love and marking the benefits of sonship.

Regarding dependency, the orphan heart is typically independent and self-reliant, often due to past hurts and mistrust. Their motto becomes “If it’s to be, it’s up to me,” closing themselves off from others’ help, a manifestation of pain and pride.

On the other hand, the heart of a son acknowledges the need for interdependence and humility, embracing the vulnerability and transparency that come from being healed by the Father’s love. Despite knowing that some people may hurt them, individuals with a son’s heart are willing to risk this pain for the chance of genuine connection, confident in the healing touch of the Lord.

Any walls built to keep people out can also inadvertently keep God out. It’s essential to realize that the sense of protection gained from these barriers, whether physical masks or emotional defenses, often serves as a shield against the world, further isolating us from potential healing and connection.

Hiding In Plain Site

In social settings, many individuals often hide behind objects like a cup of coffee to feel protected, leading them to become more social. This protection also extends to the emotional barriers we construct to maintain self-reliance and independence. However, these walls may also prevent God from reaching us.

When you embrace the heart of a son, there’s openness. By accepting God’s love, acceptance, and approval, you are open to blessings, resisting the urge to hide away. Embracing a posture of trust, you can welcome an abundance of good into your life.

What Is It Like To Be A Child of The Father?

An orphan heart understands life through rules and regulations. It’s a religious nature that often projects their struggles and expectations onto others, creating a less enjoyable atmosphere. In contrast, a son’s heart operates not by the love of law but by the law of love, powered by the receipt of God’s love.

In terms of security, an orphan’s heart is insecure and lacks peace. When you embody the spirit of a son, you rest in peace, not feeling the need to prove anything. The world may judge your value based on your accomplishments, wealth, or resume, but these are not accurate measures of value.

A Serious Heart Condition

Having the heart of a son means resting in the knowledge that you have God’s validation and attention; you are his beloved. To make this reality for oneself, you must let God perform open heart surgery on you, which requires spending time with Him. This could be through singing, reading His words, inviting Him into your life, and expressing your deepest secrets and complaints.

Affirming God’s word, even in times of struggle, is essential. Affirm that you are a son, approved by God just as Jesus is, and there is nothing you need to do to earn His love; His love for you is complete and unconditional.

To break away from incorrect patterns of thought, you must replace them with the words of God. By voicing His word, your mind undergoes a renewal by the Holy Spirit that brings liberation.

The heart of sonship serves out of a genuine desire to glorify Jesus and help others, creating precious stones from your life’s actions.

As an orphan heart might feel, Christian disciplines should not be viewed as obligatory tasks to earn God’s favor. Instead, they should be pursued out of pleasure and delight, not because we have to, but because we want to and get to.

If you will allow yourself to marinate in God’s love and pursue a radical love relationship
with him, the power of God will manifest in every area of your life.

On the other hand, the heart of sonship craves quietness and solitude to bask in the Father’s presence and love. This is particularly important in our technologically driven era, where silence and solitude are scarce. It requires conscious effort and discipline to remove constant digital stimulation and retrain ourselves to appreciate and utilize silence.

Curing Your Heart Condition Begins Here

Start with a mere 60 seconds of quiet time, gradually extending it until you can spend a significant time in silence, connecting with God. This isn’t about talking for hours; it’s about being silent and receptive, understanding that God is gifting you with his blessings and guidance during these quiet moments.

The power of being quiet before the Lord cannot be understated as much transpires when we embrace silence and open ourselves to the divine.

The concept of the orphan heart centers on attitudes of competition, rivalry, jealousy, and a lack of self-worth. This mindset, shaped by scarcity, views others’ blessings as reducing what might be available for oneself.

However, the transformative power of faith presents a different perspective – that of the heart of a son. In this perspective, God’s blessings are viewed as infinite, His love unconditional, allowing unity, humility, and the ability to rejoice in others’ blessings.

The mindset shift underlines the notion that one’s success does not diminish the potential for others’ prosperity.

Harsh criticisms and judgment towards others often characterize the orphan heart as a way to mask personal insecurities. This defensive behavior is a coping mechanism against inadequacy and fear of rejection. However, transitioning from an orphan heart to the heart of a son necessitates forgiveness and love.

This transformation requires the individual to focus on covering the faults of others, fostering love, and being quick to forgive. Forgiving those who have wronged us is crucial, opening a pathway toward healing and wholeness.

The orphan heart perceives authority as a threat, often resulting from past painful experiences. This mindset encourages resistance to submission, making it challenging to respect hierarchies or accept corrections. Embracing the heart of a son acknowledges the importance of submitting to authority, welcoming correction, and appreciating established hierarchies. The journey from an orphan heart to a son’s heart is a journey from fear, jealousy, and resentment toward love, acceptance, and unity.

Through this transformation, we embrace God’s infinite love and blessings, not just for ourselves but everyone around us.


In the name of Jesus, I pray for an outpouring of Abba’s love for you so that the orphaned spirit will be healed. In Jesus’ name, I pray that you have a revelation of adoption, of sonship. Let all the pain of yesterday go. Be released from a performance mentality, be removed from bitterness and striving. Lord, help my brother or sister realize that approved, accepted, and forgiven. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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