God of My Tight Places

11 Jul, 2023

CityLight NYC God of My Tight Places

Are you overwhelmed by stress or anxiety or finding yourself in difficult situations? In this blog post, you will discover how Jesus’ example in navigating hard places can offer comfort, strength, and guidance when dealing with stress and anxiety in your own life.

Jesus Faces The Hardest Time Of His Life

In Matthew 26:36, we find Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, a place associated with crushing olives to make oil. Jesus takes Peter and the sons of Zebedee with Him and begins to feel sorrowful and distressed. He confides in them, expressing His deep sorrow, even to death. Jesus goes a little further, falls on His face, and prays to God, asking if it is possible for the cup to pass from Him. Yet, He submits to God’s will.

Jesus returns to find His disciples asleep and questions Peter’s inability to stay awake. Jesus prays two more times, repeating His submission to God’s will. When He returns to His disciples, He finds them asleep again and urges them to wake up as the hour of His betrayal approaches.

In our lives, just as Jesus experienced three significant events leading to His destiny, we, too, encounter defining moments. The wilderness, the garden, and the cross represent these moments.

The wilderness signifies a period of solitude, loneliness, prayer, and temptation, as seen in the lives of Moses, David, and Jesus. The cross represents a place where our carnality is destroyed. However, the garden symbolizes a tight and anguishing place of crushing.

Recognizing Tight Places

In these tight places, we encounter God, the God who sustains us, brings us victory, and propels us toward our destiny. Recognizing a tight spot is when we find ourselves repeatedly praying the same prayer, feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle, and unsure of what to do. But rest assured; God is the God of our tight places.

During a tight place, fatigue often sets in, adding to the challenges we face. However, we can draw strength from the example of David, who had his share of trials but found his refuge in God.

When we navigate our tight places, we must remember that God is with us and sustains us even in our weariness. Our times of struggle and anguish are opportunities for us to lean on His strength and experience His faithfulness firsthand.

So, as we encounter wilderness, garden, and cross moments, let us hold fast to the knowledge that God is the God of our tight places. He leads us through the crushing, sustains us in weariness, and amplifies our faith as we gather together.

Where Is God?

In moments of adversity, it’s common to question if God will come through for us again. We may face battles that seem impossible, like a towering Goliath. Even those who have experienced past victories can be distressed when surrounded by challenges and betrayal.

However, like David, we can find strength in the Lord our God, even in the tightest places. Remembering that God has delivered us before and will do so again, we can rise up, trust Him, and find hope in His faithfulness.

David’s story teaches us that even when our circumstances are dire, and those closest to us turn against us, we can draw strength from our previous encounters with God’s deliverance. It’s crucial to remain steadfast, especially when our faith is tested.

In my own journey, I have faced my share of tight places where despair threatened to engulf me. Yet, I have learned that God is the God of salvation and deliverance, always present to rescue and uplift us from the brink of destruction.

Remember that God is steadfast and loving if you find yourself in a tight place.

The Power Of Testimonies

Faith arises in moments of worship and testimonies, and the belief that God can do the same for us is ignited. In these moments, we are catapulted into a new level of trust and hope, refusing to give up despite the challenges we face.

Hearing the stories of others who have experienced tight places can open our hearts to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, allowing His presence to bring healing and encouragement.

One powerful testimony shared was of a father who faced the heart-wrenching loss of her son in 2016. She was overwhelmed by guilt, condemnation, and grief and couldn’t see a way forward. However, she learned that in the midst of emotions, it becomes difficult to hear God’s voice. In that place of distress, she discovered the importance of strengthening herself in the Lord. Drawing on past encounters with God’s faithfulness, she found the strength to worship Him and let go of her overwhelming emotions.

Strengthening oneself in the Lord involves recalling moments when God was present and acted on our behalf. Just as David remembered how God helped him defeat the bear, the lion, and Goliath, this mother remembered the times when God had been with her in her battles. By choosing to worship and engage with God, she tapped into His power and experienced a revival in her home. Worship became a deeply personal and soulful expression that enabled her to set aside her emotions and rely solely on God’s presence and plan.

Worship As A Weapon

Looking at the Old Testament, we find examples of battles where the front-line soldiers were not the battle-hardened warriors in armor but rather the Levite worshipers dressed in linen and carrying harps. They would lead the way, and God would smite their enemies before them.

Worship is a vital weapon in tight places, even though it may feel challenging to worship when we’re in pain and difficulty. But in those moments, we must worship from our innermost being, singing words of praise and trust. Genuine worship, with an open mouth and a heartfelt expression, releases the power of God and transforms our circumstances.

We are blessed to live in an age where anointed worship music is readily available. However, we must be careful not to dilute its impact by overindulging in repetition. Some songs carry a special anointing, and it’s essential to preserve their power by not listening to them on auto replay. Engaging in worship requires actively participating and opening our mouths to sing, even when our circumstances seem contrary. It may not always be pretty or comfortable, but as we continue to worship, our expression of praise will change, leading us to dance and worship as if no one is watching. Let us embrace the fruit of our lips, making a sound that comes from the depth of our hearts and souls and not relying on others to worship on our behalf.

The Power Of Obedience

In a powerful testimony, a woman shared how she discovered that obedience brought a blessing in her life. Initially puzzled by her tight place and lack of visible sin, she prayed to the Lord, seeking guidance. God revealed to her areas where she had chosen her way instead of following His leading, hindering the flow of His favor. Her life transformed with renewed attentiveness and obedience, anxiety vanished, and she began reaping the benefits of her past obedience.

Another testimony focused on a couple’s tight place when they returned to the US after serving as missionaries in India. Facing uncertainties, including joblessness and the pending arrival of their first child, they sought the Lord through fasting and prayer.

During their employment search, the husband received a specific word from God about pursuing a role as a worship leader, even though it was not on his radar. Despite initially feeling uncomfortable, they followed God’s direction and eventually found their place at CityLight Church, where blessings began to flow. They learned that God’s timing and ways may differ from their expectations, but His promises are always fulfilled.

These testimonies highlight the importance of obedience and trust in God’s timing and leading, even in the face of uncertainty and tight places. By seeking the Lord, adjusting course, and aligning their lives with His will, both experienced breakthroughs and witnessed His faithfulness.

God Will Act On Your Behalf

God has a track record of performing miracles and intervening in difficult situations. Remember that God has done it before and will do it again. We shouldn’t lose sight of His faithfulness. 1 Corinthians 15:57 declares our victory through Jesus Christ. I encouraged everyone to memorize this verse and speak it aloud when facing challenging circumstances or moments of doubt.

It’s essential to declare God’s victory and trust in His power, especially in tight places where our faith may be tested.


Father, I thank you for your power. I thank You that You bring encouragement to Your people. You strengthen the feeble hand and the weak knees. Your word
says that to the weak, you increase might. Oh God of the impossible, I thank you that You do it in your people’s lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Watch the entire message here.

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