Day 2: What You Can’t Do

2 Jan, 2021

The Daily Word: Saturday, January 2nd, 2021
Genesis 3:1-4:26
Matthew 2:13-3:6
Psalm 2:1-12
Proverbs 1:7-9
For full text click here.

Commentary from Pastor Michael White:
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” – Gen. 3:1

This is the enemy’s strategy: Satan will always have you focus on what you can’t do because you follow God, instead of allowing you to be grateful for what you can do! You can’t sleep around. You can’t drink to get drunk! You can’t say whatever want to other people regardless of how badly you hurt them.

But what about what you can do? God created Adam and Eve to live in the Garden of Eden forever, free from suffering and pain! But Satan conveniently left out that part of the arrangement. Living for Jesus doesn’t make your life miserable; it makes it meaningful! You can talk to God and hear from Him whenever you like because God tells you to come “boldly” into His presence (Heb. 4:16). You can live without fear of death because Jesus conquered the grave (Col. 2:15) and gave you eternal life! You can have confidence that all your material needs will be met because “the blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow to it” (Prov. 10:22)!

God gives you limitations for your benefit. He is not trying to ruin your fun! He is trying to activate your destiny. Know that Christianity is never about what you can’t do; it is all about what you can.


Father, thank You for delineating clear boundary lines so I know what I should do and what I should avoid. I know those boundary lines are for my benefit! Help me to be grateful for everything Your presence affords me. I am grateful for eternal life, in Jesus’ name!

© Michael D. White, 2021. All rights reserved.