Day 66: Wait and Listen

7 Mar, 2014

Numbers 8:1-9:23

Mark 13:14-37

Psalm 50:1-23

Proverbs 10:29-30

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CityLight Pastor Commentary:

And Moses said to them, ‘Stand still, that I may hear what the Lord will command concerning you’” (Num 9:8). God has spoken to His prophets throughout all of human history, and He still speaks to His children today. His willingness to speak to us has never faltered; our desire to sit still and listen, however, has waned. In today’s reading, we see God speaking to Moses firsthand. Moses was presented with a practical question: could men who were considered ‘defiled’ still celebrate the Passover? Although the subject matter might not be interesting to you, Moses’ reaction should be: he waited and listened for what God would say. God has already written His Word in the Bible. There will, however, be many instances where we require real-time interpretation of His Word in our lives. It is in times like this that we should stand still and listen; when we do, God will speak to us just as He spoke to Moses!



“Father, help me to make time to stand still and hear what You have to say! Your Holy Spirit lives in me, and I can hear from You every day! You want to speak with me because I’m Your child!”